About Us

We are dedicated to Connecting your values with your Investments.

We do it through a process called Biblically Responsible Investing.  We believe God owns everything (Psalm 24:1), including our investments. We are called to steward what we have been graciously blessed with to further His Kingdom for His Glory.  

Our site’s mission is to focus on the investment gifts you have been entrusted with, to educate believers who are seeking to understand more about the concept Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) and help those who are being led to act take the next steps to begin the BRI journey.

Our Approach

  • Have you ever considered where your portfolio “Return on Investment” is coming from? If you were like us, the answer is a resounding NO.  From the time you make your first investment, you’ve been programmed to invest in a way to meet your investment goals for amount of return you desire versus the amount of risk you can or are willing to take.
  • No one is taught to question what a company is selling or what services they provide or who they support philanthropically. Shouldn’t this be one of the first questions we ask? Would you ever just give money to someone to invest in their business without knowing anything about what that business does to generate sales?
  • If a friend or acquaintance asked you to invest in their business, would you blindly give them money without first knowing what they are selling in order to eventually give you back a Return on your Investment?  You most likely would not.  You would want to know how the business plans on giving you a return on your investment correct? 

Meet The Expert

Luke Andrews

Luke Andrews

Biblically Responsible Investment Expert

Connect with Luke Andrews, a Biblically Responsible Investment expert, to learn more

Our Philosophy 

We believe the mission God has called us on is to educate as many people as we can about what has been revealed to us through prayer and the scriptures.

Our Focus

We are committed to educating believers who are seeking to understand more about the concept of BRI, and walking with them on the journey.


of Christian Investors don’t know what their portfolio supports.

This question was the foundation to why we built a site dedicated to helping you think beyond only Return on Investment. We exist to help believers, who truly want to seek and investigate what God’s Word says in the areas of our investments/money.  Ephesians 5:11 says take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but expose them.  Proverbs 16:8 says better is little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.  We believe these scriptures hold the truths in relation to investing so much that we have dedicated this website to helping investors “connect their values with their investments.”

How this is done is through an investment process called Biblically Responsible Investing.  We help investors who want their values to be represented in the stocks and investments they own.  Most investors can likely name a mutual fund or an exchange traded fund they own in their portfolio, but can’t tell you who the companies are in those funds or where those companies generate their revenue.  When you are an owner of a stock through your investment portfolio, you are an owner of that company.  This is why the process of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI for short) is so important to an investor who doesn’t want to own or share in the profits from alcohol, abortion, gambling, tobacco, pornography, anti-family values and anti-family entertainment.

You don’t know what you don’t know, but once you do know, what do you do next, is the question.  We have a chance to change the investment world, as it is estimated, Christian Households have Trillions of Dollars of wealth within their control.  This amount of wealth invested in a way to Honor the Lord could change everything.

Trusted by 1000s of Happy Clients



12551 Indian Rocks Rd, Suite 4
Largo, FL 33774